速報APP / 遊戲 / Wild crocodile attack simulator:Adventur

Wild crocodile attack simulator:Adventur



檔案大小:164.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Wild crocodile attack simulator:AdventureAlligator(圖1)-速報App

Hunger Game is on!!! Do not Angry meeee!!!

This ruthless bloodthirsty crocodile is very hungry.Leading the way towards its distraught prey.Appealing prey can stimulate appetite even when hunger is absent.

Croc is trained to snatch n hunt anything.Suddenly Emerge from water n swims towards its prey.Crocodile attack is always dangerous as this alligator is like a beast with deadly jaws n quick response time.

You have to control this alligator in water.Attack people aggressively on boat.This Crocodile simulator 2016 is a unique game which gives user a chance to hunt people in a real time which is top free priority.Feel free to download top alligator and crocodile game for free..Do not miss a chance stay tuned cheers.

Wild crocodile attack simulator:AdventureAlligator(圖2)-速報App

This is amazing giant,huge,colossal, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, mammoth, vast, immense, tremendous, mighty, stupendous,super natural monumental, epic, prodigious, mountainous, monstrous, titanic, towering, elephantine, king-sized, king-size, gargantuan, Herculean, Brobdingnagian type of crocodile full of anger and hunger.

Stay calm and target your prey whenever it comes close to you.There are different types of time bombs and mines on way.keep distance with it n enjoy your hunting party till end.See the world with the eyes of a croc cheers.

Game amazing Features:

>Big Blast hungry Crocodile

Wild crocodile attack simulator:AdventureAlligator(圖3)-速報App

>Nice 3D Effects n sounds.

>Lush Environment with beaches,shores n mountains.

>Control of game is easy and user friendly

>Swim and attack your prey

Wild crocodile attack simulator:AdventureAlligator(圖4)-速報App

>Special action take care.

Wild crocodile attack simulator:AdventureAlligator(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad